Create Wallet

Programmatically create a new wallet. A new Ethereum and Solana private key will be generated inside our non-custodial key management infrastructure. The wallet is secured by the user’s authentication credentials.

Using React or Vanilla JS? Use our Account Kit SDK to create and use wallets. The SDK handles all signing and authentication complexity for you, making development faster and easier. We provide an SDK in React, Vanilla Typescript, and (soon) Java.

If you want to use APIs directly, please first see this guide for implementing custom logic to send stamped requests.

Body Params

Optional. Used for user authentication when passkey is not provided. Specifies the user's email address.


Optional. Used for authentication when email is not provided. Enables passkey-based authentication.


The public key of the key pair used to encrypt the wallet’s verified credential. This ensures secure delivery of the wallet’s authentication to your client. See verifying logic for generating and using this.


Optional. Specifies the duration of the login session in seconds. After this period, the user has to re-login to refresh their session. The default value is 900 seconds (15 minutes).


Response body

The organization ID associated with the user and application, enabling the management of Smart Wallets.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here! Or choose an example:
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